This summer, I decided to put the digital stuff away for a week and shoot nothing but film. In doing so, I learned a couple of things. One, I don’t do well with faster speed films. I love real film grain, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. And two, I somehow manage to get more keepers when I shoot film and I don’t really know why that is the case. Maybe it’s because I take my time and put more thought into each shot or maybe it’s just because I still love the novelty of analog…
Admittedly, I get bored of looking at my M6 sitting on a shelf and often think of selling it. And then I have some 6 month old film developed and I change my mind all over again. I’m starting to think that I should save all film attempts just for family stuff.
In any case, here’s what came of my week of film: